Digital Identity- Definition, Use, and Importance

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

What is a digital identity?

A personalized footprint forming an individual’s online presence is the best way to describe digital identity (University of Derby, 2016). Catered by what someone shares on the web and how they engage with people and online materials, a digital identity can be either beneficial or detrimental. 

Proper usage allows individuals to meet likeminded people that help form their personal identity allowing them to decide where they fit within the scope of society thus creating a sense of community (Jawed et al., 2022; Spracklen, 2015). However, when used without care, one’s digital identity could be harmful to their professional goals. For example, if an employer googles a job candidate and sees that their views, based on what they shared online, do not align with the company, they may choose not to offer the job to the person.

As a result, the way people shape their digital identity should be completed with care and regard to its impacts in their personal and professional lives. 

How do personal versus professional approaches to digital identity affect social media use?

Personal use of digital identity can create a sense of inclusion among many people across the globe (Spracklen, 2015). It is a way to brings others together based on their interests such as sports, music, activism, etc. Professional use is different in that it’s a way for people to network and meet others within a professional capacity. As mentioned before, one’s digital identity can be harmful to their careers if people don’t protect what they choose to share to the general public on the web. 

It is also important to note that while forming a digital identity through social media use, one should be cautious of entering the cycle of “role playing” (Spracklen, 2015). It is essentially a performative act where people shift their beliefs online for the sake of being socially acceptable. As a result, people may struggle with their sense of self as they try to conform to these at times unrealistic standards. This is vital to consider when forming one’s digital identity. 

How do digital identities converge in networked publics – what are the impacts and/or benefits?

Within a world of expanding technological innovation, the use of networked publics has become greatly important (World Economic, 2019). It is vital for fostering social inclusion, modernizing businesses, and improving efficiency. In particular, medical students use networked publics throughout their schooling. This usage progressively shapes their digital professional identity influencing them in many ways such as teamwork, collaborative learning and the use of ethics. Moreover, in Estonia, digital identities are used for e-voting, e-banking, and the digital signing of documents to save time.

Overall, a digital identity can foster welling by allowing people to create their online support system and make tasks more convenient (Jawed et al.,2022; World Economic, 2019). However, digital identities can be misused as well. Fake accounts on social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook can create a medium for people to engage in bullying and verbal abuse (Spracklen, 2015). Breaches of privacy is also a point of concern. As a result, the usage of digital identities should dealt with caution.


Jawed, S., Mahboob, U., & Yasmeen, R. (2019). Digital professional identity: Dear Internet! Who am I? Education for Health (Abingdon, England)32(1), 33–35.

Spracklen, K. (2015). Identity-Making and Social Media. In: Digital Leisure, the Internet, and Popular Culture. Leisure Studies in a Global Era. Palgrave Macmillan, London. 94-112.

University of Derby. (2016). Eric Stoller – What is Digital Identity? [Video]. YouTube.

World Economic Forum. (2019). Davos 2019 – Press Conference The Value of Digital Identity for the Global Economy and Society [Video]. YouTube.

One Response

  • Hi Kathy,

    I like your answer to the digital identities converging in networked publics question. I think you are very right in the sense that if you would like your business to succeed and keep up with the modern world it is important to have a strong professional identity. I like how you brought up an example from Estonia about how they are professionally using digital identities to complete important tasks, like banking and voting. I think our society is in an interesting time as old businesses and traditional systems make the shift to new innovations. As we move into a world where virtual reality is common. Do you think our digital identities will have more significance to everyday interactions?

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