Engaging Your PLN

This week, our discussion surrounds Personal Learning Networks and the ways in which we could utilize our PLN to further our learning needs as well as open up future job opportunities. We will begin by introducing Wakelet and the PodCast interview with the #techCAREtwins.


Wakelet is a platform that allows educators to share learning resources (ie. images, text, videos, ect.) and exchange information with fellow teachers and students (Edwards, 2022). In the video below, Dyann Wilson and Amy Storer discuss ways in which they’ve built their PLN and used it to build meaningful connections.


Dyann Wilson

-15 years in Education

-8 years as School Counsellor

Amy Storer

-Lead Learning Guide at Fried Tech -Lead Tech Integration Mentor

During the Interview with Wakelet (2022), Dyann Wilson and Amy Storer offer advice regarding:

Growing Your Network

  • Twitter- starting a twitter account can be a starting point to building meaningful connections
  • Conferences- great location from in person networking. Allows you start joining organizations and later taking on a leadership opportunity in the community.
  • Wakelet- tool for building connections from the educational space

Conferences vs Virtual Networking

  • Conferences
    • allows introverts to get out of their comfort zone
    • can go back to their hotel room afterwards and limit interaction
  • Virtual
    • reach people across the globe
    • easier to interact with people
  • BOTH!
    • Having a mixture of both allows for more opportunities to network and challenging oneself in different ways. Opens up opportunities that may not have been as easily accessible prior to expanding your PLN.

Tips/ Advice

Consider who you connect with (18:43). Be selective and intentional with people you interact with in-person and online. Don’t focus merely on those that are likeminded Choose people who with push your thinking, challenge you, encourage you and those that will hold you accountable but will also lift you up. Find those whom you can lean on for their expertise and feedback. Push yourself. The more you do so the easier it becomes (31:35). Also, decide what your purpose is (31:18). Is your PLN for educational reasons? Perhaps professional/ occupational? Determine what your “why” is.

Can your PLN be used to help professional development post-course?

A Personal Learning Network (PLN) is the result of interactions with people who satisfy our professional and learning needs by providing resources for us to learn, challenge our beliefs and expand our thinking (Rajagopal et al., 2011). Using the skills and resources introduced in EDCI 338, I believe I can further expand my PLN after the completion of this course. I will use my PLN to further develop my professional digital identity and create more meaningful connections.

Can your PLN be relied on to open professional opportunities?

A well formed PLN should provide opportunities for an individual to build meaningful connections with people using networked public such as Twitter, Facebook, Indeed, and YouTube. Through these connections one can be exposed to to more job-related opportunities than they typically would without networking. As both Dyann Wilson and Amy Storer mention (Wakelet, 2022), their PLN allowed them to expand their reach and engage with people who have helped with build their professional careers. It is my hope that by intentionally and mindfully building my digital identity and PLN, I’d be able to connect to people who will challenge my beliefs, teach me new things and open professional opportunities for me in the future.


Edwards, L. (2021, April 19). What is Wakelet and How does it Work. https://www.techlearning.com/how-to/what-is-wakelet-and-how-does-it-work

Rajagopal, K., Joosten-ten Brinke, D., Van Bruggen, J., & Sloep, P. J. (2011). Understanding personal learning networks: Their structure, content, and the networking skills needed to optimally use them. First Monday, 17(1). https://doi.org/10.5210/fm.v17i1.3559

Wakelet. (2022). The benefits of growing your network & PLN. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEa8JgAE_qM&ab_channel=Wakelet

One Response

  • Hi Kathy,

    I really like the way you created your blog post on how we could utilize our PLN to further our learning needs as well as open up future job opportunities. Our PLN may be expanded by using fantastic technologies like Wakelet, Twitter, and conferences. These tools undoubtedly help us interact with a variety of individuals and expose ourselves to other points of view. I really enjoy the point you made about taking into account who you connect with from the video. It’s crucial to establish relationships with those who can help you grow. Do you think our PLN could become an issue or obstacle for us to grow?


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